Burney blazed a trail for First Nations

Few First Nations leaders can claim to have achieved as much as outgoing Minister Linda Burney. 

News of the Minister’s departure from politics has triggered an outpouring of gratitude from individuals and organisations across Australia. knowmore Legal Staff have similarly joined this chorus in expressing their appreciation of her contributions.

The list of the Minister’s firsts and achievements across several decades is remarkable, especially considering it spans all levels of government and has impacted multiple sectors across the country.

knowmore Legal Service wishes to acknowledge the Minister’s work to bring about change. Not only did the Minister’s efforts pertain to First Nations people and organisations, but it also extended to her inspiration, guidance and advice provided to mainstream organisations. Under her watch many have made change by recognising and respecting First Nations priorities, culture and talent.

“Linda Burney is what politics should aspire to be.  She has kept the hope and the heart and the centre of her work and has been so generous in sharing her wisdom and connections with others.”, said knowmore Legal Service CEO, Jackie Mead.

Having developed a positive working relationship with Minister Burney’s office in Canberra, knowmore Legal Service benefitted from time spent in consultation with some of the Minister’s key advisers.

Director of Strategy and First Nations Engagement, Gary Oliver has enjoyed a long and collaborative relationship with Minister Burney and was quick to express his admiration for her contribution to First Nations causes.

“There are very few people who have shown as much dignity and tenacity as Minister Burney.  She has shown resilience in continuing to fight for first nations causes, finding a way through where others would have failed”, said Mr. Oliver.

Looking to the future, knowmore Legal Service aims to work closely with the incoming Minister for Indigenous Australians now that substantial progress has been made operationally to provide services to First Nations survivors across Australia.

Justice-making goes on for First Nations people. The task, however, has been made that much easier, because of the tireless work of Minister Burney in raising awareness, changing policies and providing resources to achieve future positive progress.