Completing an NRS review survey 

UPDATE: The survey deadline has been extended until November 11.

The second anniversary review of the National Redress Scheme (NRS) is underway. The purpose of this independent review is to hear about survivors’ experiences with the NRS and to find out how the Scheme is workingwhat’s working well, what isn’t and how can it be improved. 

If you would like to share your experiences with the review there are two surveys you can now access online: 

The survey for survivors is also available as a printable PDF 

Completing a survey is a good option for people who want to give feedback about their experiences with the NRS, or explain why they haven’t applied, but don’t know where to start. 

The surveys, which are being conducted by the University of New South Wales on behalf of the review, are voluntary and can be completed entirely anonymously. 

You may complete a survey even if you have already made a written or oral submission. 

The surveys should take no more than 30 minutes to complete and are due by Friday October 23. 

If you are having difficulty accessing or completing the surveys please contact Knowmore on 1800 605 762 or by emailing 

Further information about the review is also available on the NRS website.