Other services

Other services

Knowmore provides free legal advice and practical help in a confidential and supportive environment. Our specialist counsellors/social workers will support you in using our services. If you need further support, we will help you to access the most appropriate services.

Below are links to view national help and counselling services available to you.

For a full list of services in your area please go to the National Redress Scheme support page.

Knowmore provides free legal advice and practical help in a confidential and supportive environment. Our specialist counsellors/social workers will support you in using our services. If you need further support, we will help you to access the most appropriate services.

Below is a list of some crisis support services available to you.

1800 RESPECT – 1800 737 732

24-hour sexual assault and domestic violence support

beyondblue – 1300 224 636

Mental health support

Lifeline – 13 11 14

24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention

Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467

24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention

13 YARN – 13 92 76

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander crisis support

Knowmore provides free legal advice and practical help in a confidential and supportive environment. Our specialist counsellors/social workers will support you in using our services. If you need further support, we will help you to access the most appropriate services.

Below is a list of some support and advocacy services available to you.

Blueknot1300 657 380

Counselling and support for survivors

Bravehearts1800 272 831

Counselling for survivors and child protection advocacy

Care Leavers Australasia Network1800 008 774

Support and advocacy for Forgotten Australians

Child Migrants Trust1800 040 509

Social work services, including counselling and support for family reunions

Find and Connect1800 161 109

Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants

Full Stop Australia1800 385 578

Support, education and advocacy for survivors of sexual, domestic and family violence


Mental health support for young people (website and drop-in centres only)

Mensline1300 789 978

Support and counselling service

Survivors & Mates Support Network (SAMSN)1800 4 SAMSN (72676)

A service for male survivors and their supporters.
Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

Knowmore provides free financial counselling. Our financial counsellors will work with you to ensure you are fully aware of the implications of receiving a redress payment. If further assistance is needed, we will help you to access the most appropriate services.

Below is a list of some financial counselling services available to you.


Information and tools to help people make financial decisions

National Debt Helpline1800 007 007

Free and confidential advice from professional financial counsellors. Find a financial counsellor function to find a service in your area.

Mob Strong Debt Help line – 1800 808 488

A free Service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Knowmore provides free legal advice and practical help in a confidential and supportive environment. If you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person, you can speak with one of our Aboriginal Engagement Advisors. They’re here to help you, arrange other support options for you or just have a yarn.

Below is a list of some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services available to you.

Healing Foundation

A platform to amplify the voices and lived experience of Stolen Generations survivors and their families.


Link-Up supports the healing journeys of Stolen Generations survivors.

13 YARN – 13 92 76

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander crisis support

Mob Strong Debt Help line – 1800 808 488

A free Service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

If you are seeking legal advice and Knowmore cannot assist you one of the following services may be able to help you.

To find your closest Community Legal Centre please visit Community Legal Centres Australia.

Each state and territory has a Legal Aid service. Visit National Legal Aid to find your closest Legal Aid.

Visit National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services to find your closest Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service.