How to make a submission

DESCRIPTION: A white title card reading “How to have your say in the second anniversary review of the National Redress Scheme”. Across the bottom half of the screen in purple and aqua is written ‘knowmore: free legal help for survivors’. Lauren Hancock appears on the screen speaking to the camera, she is standing in front of a floral painting.

LAUREN HANCOCK: An independent review of the National Redress Scheme is underway. This review is happening because the redress scheme has been running for two years and it’s important for the government to find out how everything is working. The independent reviewer wants to hear about people’s experiences with the NRS so they know what’s working and what isn’t. They will give a report to the government in February with some recommendations for making the NRS better.

Everyone can have their say, even if you haven’t applied for redress yet or haven’t received your offer. You might like to talk about what the application process is like, how long you’ve waited, or what you thought about your offer. You don’t have to share your name and you can ask for your views to be kept private. There are two ways you can have your say. One, you can complete an anonymous survey. To find out more about this visit Two, you can make a submission either in writing or over the phone. To make a written submission there are four steps.

DESCRIPTION: A white card appears on the screen with 4 list items. 1 Get ready to write your submission. 2 Write your submission. 3 Check your submission. 4 Send your submission in by Wednesday September 30, 2020. Lauren Hancock’s voice is heard but she does not appear on the screen.

LAUREN HANCOCK: One, get ready to write your submission by thinking about what you would like to say and deciding if you will type or hand write it. Two, write your submission. Make sure you cover all of your key points, but remember to take your time and be kind to yourself. Three, check over your submission to make sure that you’ve said everything you would like to say. Four, send your submission in by Wednesday 30 September, 2020. You can do this online, by email or by post.

DESCRIPTION: Lauren Hancock appears on the screen speaking to the camera, she is standing in front of a floral painting.

LAUREN HANCOCK: To make your submission by phone, there are three steps.

DESCRIPTION: A white card appears on the screen with 3 list items. 1 Get ready to make your submission. 2 Contact the reviewer as soon as you’re ready. 3 Make your submission. Lauren Hancock’s voice is heard but she does not appear on the screen.

LAUREN HANCOCK: One, get ready to make your submission. Decide what day and time you would like to do it and have a think about what you would like to say. Two, send an email to asking to be called at your preferred time. Three, make your submission. You’ll have 15 to 20 minutes, so make sure you have somewhere comfortable and private to talk.

DESCRIPTION: Lauren Hancock appears on the screen speaking to the camera, she is standing in front of a floral painting.

LAUREN HANCOCK: More information about having your say on the National Redress Scheme is available on our website.

DESCRIPTION: A white screen with black text reading “For a comprehensive guide to the NRS review visit or email”. The writing disappears and is replaced with text that reads “Submissions to the NRS review are due by Wednesday September 30”.