Knowmore Legal Service Supports Claim Farming Practices Prohibition Bill 2025

Knowmore Legal Service, a nation-wide, free and independent community legal centre, supports the NSW Claim Farming Practices Prohibition Bill 2025. The bill aims to prohibit exploitative claim farming practices in relation to civil proceedings, an issue especially relevant to victims and survivors of child abuse. ​

Knowmore strongly supports the bill’s objective to prohibit claim farming practices in relation to civil proceedings. The organisation has long advocated for a national response to address these exploitative practices, which have been particularly prevalent in New South Wales. Recent arrests in the state for alleged fraudulent claims of child sexual abuse highlight the urgent need for legislative protections. Other jurisdictions without similar laws are encouraged act swiftly.  ​

‘Governments across Australia have dragged their feet in addressing claim farming, contributing to an environment in which unethical, exploitative and even allegedly criminal elements have flourished,’ said Jackie Mead, CEO of Knowmore.

Claim farming negatively impacts victims and survivors of child abuse, often leading to re-traumatisation and exploitation. ​ Knowmore emphasises the importance of empowering victims and survivors to make informed choices about their legal options without harassment or pressure. Survivors exposed to claim farming regularly experience pressure and may be manipulated to make false or exaggerated claims.

’We fear that news of the allegedly fraudulent redress and compensation claims for child sexual abuse will weaken public confidence in legitimate claims, which represent the overwhelming majority of claims.’

In our experience, claim farming and other exploitative practices typically target marginalised people, including survivors who are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, in prison or living in rural, regional and remote communities.

Knowmore have seen firsthand the significant harm and distress caused by exploitative practices including claim farming.

‘This shameful conduct cannot be allowed to continue,’ said Ms Mead.

Knowmore has made detailed comments to the NSW Government about how the bill can be further improved to better protect victims and survivors of child abuse against claim farming. ​

Knowmore urges the NSW Government to swiftly pass the bill into law, incorporating the recommended amendments, and to provide comprehensive protections against claim farming for victims and survivors of child abuse. ​

Further, Knowmore urges those states and territories without protections to move swiftly to protect survivors. Knowmore is pleased to see legislation to address claim farming currently being progressed through the South Australian Parliament.

Ms Mead said that if nationally consistent protections against claim farming are not provided, it is likely that claim farmers will simply move their operations to states and territories with weaker protections.

Knowmore is a community legal centre that provides free, independent legal advice and multidisciplinary support for survivors of child sexual abuse.

For more information or to arrange media interviews with a local representative, contact media officer Barbara Charan on 0432 681 037 or email via