Media Release: Cult survivors deserve government support

Knowmore is urging state governments to step up as ‘funders of last resort’ and allow survivors of the cult The Children of God to receive the justice they deserve.

The New South Wales Government has stepped in to make sure survivors of The Children of God in New South Wales can access the National Redress Scheme.

“We call on the Victorian Government and governments wherever else in Australia this cult exploited children to make the same commitment to helping survivors” Jackie Mead, CEO Knowmore Legal Service.

“We applaud the New South Wales Government for doing this and ensuring that New South Wales survivors have the support they need” Jackie Mead, CEO Knowmore Legal Service.

Funder of last resort arrangements are when a government steps in to take responsibility for paying a survivor’s redress because the responsible institution is unable to.

“Knowmore wants to see more funder of last resort arrangements to ensure that all survivors can access the NRS” Jackie Mead.

“It is unfair that survivors in some states have no access to redress. The National Redress Scheme is for all survivors who suffered institutional sexual abuse. Their pain, suffering and trauma are no less than other survivors. They deserve the same support, care and compassion the National Redress Scheme gives to other victims of child sex abuse.” Jackie Mead.

For more information or to arrange media interviews with a local representative, contact media officer Barbara Charan on 0418 232 906 or email via