News and media releases

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Knowmore welcomes funding extension for Royal Commission

Knowmore legal service today welcomed news that the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child

Knowmore providing innovative legal help – now with a Perth office

Knowmore legal service will today officially launch its Perth office. The Perth office will be

Victorian Aboriginal Forum on Royal Commission a chance to deliver culturally appropriate information

Knowmore legal service is taking part in an important Victorian Koori-specific forum on the Royal

Independent legal advice available in Alice Springs to help people tell their story to the Royal Commission

The Knowmore team will be visiting Alice Springs, Tennant Creek, Elliot, Hermannsburg, Yuendumu and Papunya.

Knowmore launches Brisbane office to boost services to remote Queensland, NT and WA

Knowmore legal service today officially launches its Brisbane office boosting capability for phone advice and

Knowmore launches infographic and new Melbourne office to increase services to Vic, Tas and SA

Knowmore launches infographic and new Melbourne office to increase services to Vic, Tas and SA

Knowmore to conduct outreach to Port Augusta and beyond

Knowmore to conduct outreach visit to Port Augusta, SA

Ballarat survivors assisted to provide their stories to the Royal Commission

Knowmore legal advisory service will be in Ballarat to coincide with the Royal Commission into

Knowmore to provide free legal help to navigate the Royal Commission

New free legal advisory service, Knowmore was launched today by the Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus as