Resources library

Browse the knowmore resources library for reports, fact sheets, guides, infographics, submissions and videos.

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About knowmore

knowmore Service snapshot August 2019

knowmore client and organisational data as at 31 August 2019.

Criminal justice advocacy

Submission on the Commonwealth Combatting Child Sexual Exploitation Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 (revised Bill)

knowmore's submission to the Cth Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee on the revised bill (August 2019).

Criminal justice advocacy

Submission on Victoria’s committal system

knowmore's submission to the Vic Law Reform Commission on a review into the criminal justice committal system (August 2019).

Civil litigation advocacy

Submission on Tasmania’s Justice Legislation (Organisational Liability for Child Abuse) Amendment Bill 2019

knowmore's submission to the Tas Department of Justice on a bill to improve the civil litigation system for survivors (August 2019).

About knowmore

knowmore Service snapshot July 2019

knowmore client and organisational data as at 31 July 2019.

Making institutions safer

Submission on Queensland’s Youth Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019

knowmore's submission to the Qld Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee on reforms to keep young people out of detention (July 2019).

About knowmore

knowmore lawyers explain its work

We’ve asked some more of our lawyers to explain the work of knowmore, and what it’s like to work here.

About knowmore

knowmore Service snapshot June 2019

knowmore client and organisational data as at 30 June 2019.

Criminal justice advocacy

Submission on the New South Wales Law Reform Commission’s Open Justice Review into court and tribunal information

knowmore's submission to the NSW Law Reform Commission’s Open Justice Review into court and tribunal information (June 2019).

About knowmore

knowmore Service snapshot May 2019

knowmore client and organisational data as at 31 May 2019