Resources library
Browse the Knowmore resources library for reports, fact sheets, guides, infographics, submissions and videos.
Browse the Knowmore resources library for reports, fact sheets, guides, infographics, submissions and videos.
Legal information
This fact sheet explains how you can get a copy of your lodged National Redress Scheme (NRS) application. You will need a copy of your application if you want knowmore to review it.
About knowmore
knowmore client and organisational data as at 30 April 2023.
Criminal justice advocacy
knowmore’s submission to the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department on the legal and support needs of victims and survivors throughout their engagement with the criminal justice system (May 2023).
Making institutions safer
knowmore’s submission to the Tas Legislative Council Government Administration Committee ‘B’ on the provision of legal assistance and support to survivors in prison (April 2023).
Criminal justice advocacy
knowmore’s submission to the Qld Legal Affairs and Safety Committee on the support provided to victims of crime (April 2023).
About knowmore
knowmore client and organisational data as at 31 March 2023.
About knowmore
knowmore client and organisational data as at 28 February 2023.
Criminal justice advocacy
knowmore’s submission to the NT Department of the Attorney-General and Justice on a draft bill to reform sexual offences in the NT Criminal Code (February 2023).
Legal information
Child sexual abuse is illegal in Australia. You can report child sexual abuse to the police.