Resources library

Browse the knowmore resources library for reports, fact sheets, guides, infographics, submissions and videos.

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Legal information

Can I get compensation? Northern Territory

If you have been injured in a violent act, including if you survived childhood sexual abuse, you may be able to get compensation in the NT.

Legal information

Can I get compensation? New South Wales

If you have been injured in a violent act, including if you survived childhood sexual abuse, you may be able to get compensation in the NSW.

Legal information

Can I get compensation? Australian Capital Territory

If you have been injured in a violent act, including if you survived childhood sexual abuse, you may be able to get compensation in the ACT.

About knowmore

knowmore Service snapshot May 2022

knowmore client and organisational data as at 31 May 2022.

About knowmore

knowmore Service snapshot April 2022

knowmore client and organisational data as at 30 April 2022.

Civil litigation advocacy

Submission on Queensland’s Personal Injuries Proceedings and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022

knowmore's submission to the Qld Legal Affairs and Safety Committee on laws to stop claim farming and undesirable billing practices by law firms in personal injury claims (April 2022).

Criminal justice advocacy

Submission on women’s and girls’ experiences across the criminal justice system as victims and survivors of child sexual abuse

knowmore’s submission to the Qld Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce in response to Discussion Paper 3 on women’s and girls’ experiences across the criminal justice system as victims and survivors of sexual violence (April 2022).

About knowmore

knowmore Service snapshot March 2022

knowmore client and organisational data as at 31 March 2022.

About knowmore

knowmore Service snapshot February 2022

knowmore client and organisational data as at 28 February 2022.

Making institutions safer

Submission on the National Strategy Advisory Group

knowmore’s submission to the National Office for Child Safety on an advisory group model for the National Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Child Sexual Abuse (February 2022).