Redress Support Services

This resource and training website will help you understand the National Redress Scheme, provide you with a step-by-step manual for the NRS application form, help you connect with other support services, provide a community forum for questions and give you a way to directly engage with expert lawyers for legal advice. It is for services funded by the Department of Social Services and other services supporting people applying for Redress. This mini-site aims to reduce the stress of service providers in completing the necessary NRS application forms, and to share our expertise and learnings.


Through this project Knowmore can help you:

    • understand the National Redress Scheme
    • provide tailored training on NRS the form
    • by providing manuals and information sheets on emerging issues for survivors, including financial implications
    • connect with services locally and nationally
    • directly engage with a lawyer for legal advice
    • by reviewing redress applications you have prepared
    • by being included in conversations with your clients, when legal issues are being discussed

Have a training request?
Contact Knowmore

    “I am excited and honoured to be working with the support services to help improve outcomes for clients in their engagement with the National Redress Scheme”