Resources library
Browse the Knowmore resources library for reports, fact sheets, guides, infographics, submissions and videos.
Browse the Knowmore resources library for reports, fact sheets, guides, infographics, submissions and videos.
Making institutions safer
knowmore’s submission to the Ombudsman WA on proposed laws to require institutions to report certain conduct by employees to the Ombudsman (January 2021).
About knowmore
knowmore client and organisational data as at 31 December 2020.
NRS advocacy
knowmore’s submission to Treasury on proposed reforms to require registered charities to take all reasonable steps to participate in the NRS (January 2021).
Criminal justice advocacy
knowmore’s submission to the Vic Law Reform Commission’s inquiry Improving the Response of the Justice System to Sexual Offences (December 2020).
About knowmore
A secure mini-site filled with resources to help redress support services navigate the National Redress Scheme application process, including a community board where members can post questions and discuss issues.
About knowmore
knowmore client and organisational data as at 30 November 2020.
About the NRS
A fact sheet detailing under what circumstances people currently in jail and people convicted of serious criminal offences can apply for a redress payment.
About knowmore
knowmore client and organisational data as at 31 October 2020.
NRS advocacy
knowmore's submission to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee on minor reforms to the National Redress Scheme (October 2020).
About knowmore
knowmore client and organisational data as at 30 September 2020.