Tag: compensation

Browse the knowmore resources library for reports, fact sheets, guides, infographics, submissions and videos.

About the NRS

Civil claim or National Redress Scheme

The key differences between a civil claim and National Redress Scheme claim and what questions to ask to help come to a decision

About the NRS

About the National Redress Scheme – for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Information about the National Redress Scheme, who can apply and how knowmore can help, written to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Legal information

Accessing records: How do I access information the government holds about me?

The steps to requesting information and records government organisations hold on you.

About the NRS

For people in jail or with a serious criminal conviction

A fact sheet detailing under what circumstances people currently in jail and people convicted of serious criminal offences can apply for a redress payment.

About knowmore

My story: Survivor Colleen Kelly

Colleen Kelly tells her story as a “joyous survivor” of institutional sexual abuse. Colleen pursued a civil claim for damages arising from her abuse.

Civil litigation advocacy

Submission on civil litigation recommendations and the duty of institutions in Western Australia

knowmore's submission to the WA Department of Justice on how the Royal Commission’s civil litigation reforms could operate in WA (March 2019).

Civil litigation advocacy

Submission on options for the implementation of the Royal Commission’s recommended civil litigation reforms in the Northern Territory

knowmore's submission to the NT Government on how the Royal Commission’s civil litigation reforms could operate in the NT (November 2018).

Civil litigation advocacy

Submission on civil litigation recommendations in New South Wales

knowmore's submission to the NSW Government on how the Royal Commission’s civil litigation reforms could operate in NSW (September 2017).

Royal Commission advocacy

Submission on Issues Paper 11: Catholic Church Final Hearing

knowmore’s submission to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse on Issues Paper 11: Catholic Church Final Hearing (July 2016).

Royal Commission advocacy

Submission on Issues Paper 6: Redress Schemes

knowmore's submission to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse on Issues Paper 6: Redress Schemes (June 2014).

Royal Commission advocacy

Submission on Issues Paper 5: Civil Litigation

knowmore's submission to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse on Issues Paper 5: Civil Litigation (March 2014).

Royal Commission advocacy

Submission on Issues Paper 2: Towards Healing

knowmore's submission to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse on Issues Paper 2: Towards Healing (September 2013).