News and media releases

Keep up to date with the latest news and media coverage on Knowmore’s work and advocacy. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

COVID-19 update for Brisbane office

Knowmore’s Brisbane team will not be providing face-to-face services until Thursday 15 April, to support

COVID-19 update for Brisbane office

To comply with current Queensland Health directives in relation to the Greater Brisbane COVID-19 lockdown

COVID-19 update for Brisbane office

To comply with current Queensland Health directives in relation to the Greater Brisbane COVID-19 lockdown

National Apology community events

The National Apology will be televised live throughout Australia and with state and territory events

Legal support services to help survivors of institutional child sexual abuse access redress

Survivors of institutional child sexual abuse will have access to legal support services to help

Community Legal Centres Queensland Conference – 8 to 9 March 2018

The 2018 Community Legal Centres Queensland Conference is taking place 8 to 9 March 2018

Legislation introduced for the Commonwealth Redress Scheme

The Turnbull Government today took an historic and critical step towards providing justice to survivors

Chair of the Royal Commission, the Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM – presents on the Criminal Justice Report

Seminar 4—The Criminal Justice Report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual

Commonwealth Redress Scheme for Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse

The Turnbull Government’s redress scheme for survivors of child sexual abuse in institutional settings is

Budget guarantees ongoing legal help for survivors of child sexual abuse

The Government’s decision to provide further funding for Knowmore means the legal needs of survivors

Time limits on legal claims by child sex abuse victims to be removed in Queensland

Joint statement from Premier and Minister for the Arts, The Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk and Attorney-General

Knowmore launches Brisbane office to boost services to remote Queensland, NT and WA

Knowmore legal service today officially launches its Brisbane office boosting capability for phone advice and