Resources library
Browse the Knowmore resources library for reports, fact sheets, guides, infographics, submissions and videos.
Browse the Knowmore resources library for reports, fact sheets, guides, infographics, submissions and videos.
Royal Commission advocacy
In this video, Karyn Walsh AM, CEO of Micah Projects, shares her reflections on the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (the Royal Commission). Micah Projects has been supporting and advocating for survivors of institutional child abuse for over 25 years. From this unique perspective, Karyn talks about
About knowmore
knowmore client and organisational data as at 31 October 2022.
Criminal justice advocacy
knowmore’s submission to the Qld Legal Affairs and Safety Committee on a bill to modernise and update the names of sexual offences (November 2022).
Legal information
This fact sheet explains what claim farming is for survivors of child abuse in Queensland. In Queensland, claim farming is against the law.
Criminal justice advocacy
knowmore’s submission to the Tas Department of Justice on a draft bill to implement recommendations from the Royal Commission’s Criminal Justice report (October 2022).
About knowmore
knowmore client and organisational data as at 30 September 2022.
Civil litigation advocacy
knowmore's submission to the Vic Department of Justice and Community Safety on the draft Part B Model Defamation Amendment Provisions 2022 (October 2022).
Making institutions safer
knowmore’s submission to the Tas Department of Justice on a draft bill to implement child safe standards and establish a reportable conduct scheme (September 2022).
About knowmore
knowmore client and organisational data as at 31 August 2022.
About knowmore
knowmore client and organisational data as at 31 July 2022.