Resources library

Browse the Knowmore resources library for reports, fact sheets, guides, infographics, submissions and videos.

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Financial counselling

Financial counselling at knowmore

Information about what knowmore’s financial counsellors do and how they can help.

Financial counselling

Keeping your National Redress Scheme payment safe

There are some simple things you can do to keep your National Redress Scheme (NRS) payment safe.

Financial counselling

Things to consider if you receive a National Redress (NRS) payment

Information for people receiving a National Redress Scheme payment provided by knowmore's financial counselling team.

Financial counselling

National Redress Scheme $10,000 advance payment

Some people applying for a National Redress Scheme (NRS) Payment are eligible for a $10,000 advance payment. This fact sheet will help you understand how these payments may affect you.

About knowmore

knowmore Service snapshot June 2022

knowmore client and organisational data as at 30 June 2022

Criminal justice advocacy

Submission to the statutory review of New South Wales’s Victims Rights and Support Act 2013

knowmore’s submission to the NSW Department of Communities and Justice on the review of the Victims Rights and Support Act 2013 (July 2022).

Legal information

Can I get compensation? Western Australia

If you have been injured in a violent act, including if you survived childhood sexual abuse, you may be able to get compensation in WA.

Legal information

Can I get compensation? Victoria

If you have been injured in a violent act, including if you survived childhood sexual abuse, you may be able to get compensation in Victoria.

Legal information

Can I get compensation? Tasmania

If you have been injured in a violent act, including if you survived childhood sexual abuse, you may be able to get compensation in Tasmania.

Legal information

Can I get compensation? South Australia

If you have been injured in a violent act, including if you survived childhood sexual abuse, you may be able to get compensation in SA.